Making Your Girl Climax Intensely During Sex - The 3 Most Important Things You Must Do

You can give a woman intense, satisfying orgasms through intercourse alone by making certain to do a few simple things. Women love a guy who can make them climax using nothing but his penis, because orgasms induced by just intercourse are much more satisfying to women than any other kind. Here are the 3 most important things you must do to make your girl climax intensely during sex.

Start with plenty of foreplay! This is vital. If she isn't warmed up enough when you enter her, it will be very hard for you to make her climax during intercourse. She should be begging to have you inside her. Women cannot get enough foreplay, so prepare to take some time on it. Start with her lips, ears, neck, nipples, and stomach, then work your way down to her clitoris. Spend some time performing oral sex until she is on the brink of orgasm, but don't push her over the edge. You can do that when you're thrusting inside her!

Make sure you can last! If you climax before she does, that is a surefire way to frustrate her. You want to be in complete control of your own orgasm, so strengthen the muscles that control it by doing daily kegels. Also, train your body to withstand stimulation by never climaxing within 30 minutes when you masturbate.

Make sure your penis is big enough to satisfy her! Nothing is more difficult than trying to satisfy a woman with a penis that is too small. You need to be large enough to provide intense friction to her clitoris AND hit the sensitive areas inside her from any position. This is most easily done with a penis that is long, thick, and powerful. You can enlarge your size quickly and permanently with natural exercises. You just need your hands. Study them using unbiased sources, determine which are best for you, and most importantly, take action. Within two weeks, you'll already be able to see and feel that your penis is becoming longer and thicker.

Last Longer in Bed - How to Build Up Your Stamina For Tonight

Guys are under a lot of pressure to perform in the bedroom. The weight on their shoulders is unbearable because they want to be able to please and satisfy their woman. Most guys just want to please their girl so they try hard to last long and make the sex enjoyable for them. However, sometimes these pressures are too much and the problem with premature ejaculation is imminent and embarrassing. How can a guy get past this?

You usually go to your friends for advice but for this situation you don't even want to think about talking to them. You are far too embarrassed to tell your doctor about this so how could you even begin to tell your friends this? Not to mention how much fun they would make of you. You need a way to last longer in bed tonight, and without anyone knowing about your problem. What is out there to help you?

There are products available such as condoms that are a bit thicker so you don't feel as much stimulation but that would mean you would have to go out and buy it. Now the pharmacist will know why you are buying that product and you don't want to have to go through that embarrassment. A way to last longer in bed tonight is to switch up the positions. It will give your girl a little variety and she will like the way you are taking control but it gives you a few seconds to recuperate and last longer for her.

How Do You Stimulate and Give a Woman Intense Orgasm?

You will need to find the way to turn your lady on if you would like to give her more intense orgasm. In fact, a lot of men do not really know how they can do so. In fact, you will need to discover some techniques so that you can stimulate her and give her orgasm.

One point you need to know is that you will have to know what your lady loves. This is the baseline. As a result, it is very important for you to start some time to learn more about the preferences of the lady. You will be able to give her better orgasm if you knows her preferences.

As a result, you will need to communicate with your woman. You have to ask your woman to tell you if she feels good when you are trying to stimulating her. Of course it is also very essential for you to ask if your lady does not feel good. In fact, mutual communication is always important. You have to make sure that you will also tell your lady if you feel good. In this cases, your woman will also be able to know how she should stimulate you!

Be sure that you will not rush when you are trying to stimulate her. There are a lot of men who tend to rush when they are trying to turn your lady on. If you rush, it will be quite difficult for you to give your lady intense orgasm. This is why you need to do it slowly. Most ladies will need a romantic feeling if you would like to give her intense orgasm.

As a result, you need to kiss your woman slowly. Be sure that you will do this when you are having the foreplay. A quality foreplay is always important if you would really want to have a better sex experience. You should remember this and never rush when you are having your foreplay with your woman.

One last point is that, you will need to keep exploring the best sex positions with your lady. Remember that you will need to ask your woman if she feels good when you are testing and exploring the sex positions. On one hand, you will be able to give your lady more intense orgasm if you can explore the best sex positions. On the other hand, you will make your sexual experience and life more interesting because you keep exploring for something new!

Better Sex - Last Longer and Have More Sexual Desire With These Herbs

If you want to enjoy better sex, last longer in bed and have more sexual desire you can with the herbs enclosed and they will work for both men and women.

The herbs work because they help to get more blood to the pelvic region and into the sex organs which is the base upon which better sex is built. Furthermore, they will increase levels of testosterone which is needed by men for peak sexual health but it's also needed by women too. Last but not least, the herbs will relieve stress and anxiety (which are known passion killers) and boost overall body energy so you can concentrate on sex.

The herbs below, will not only improve sexual health, they will give a boost to your overall wellness at the same time. They can all be found in super potent natural sex pills so you can get them all in one convenient daily serving. Let's take a look at the herbs and what they do.


Cnidium works to increase the release of nitric oxide while inhibiting PDE-5 (just like prescription drugs) which helps more blood enter the sex organs. In men this of course results in a hard erection and while not quite as visible in women, it performs the same function. Cnidium also acts as a blood circulation herb, to ensure there is sufficient blood pumped to the sex organs, before nitric oxide secretion allows it to enter.


This herb is renowned for increasing blood flow quickly to all areas of the body and that includes the sex organs and the herb also works to keep the heart healthy.

Horny Goat Weed

A great name for a great libido enhancer! This herb increases testosterone levels, increases nitric oxide secretion, the also herb also contains icariin a PDE5 inhibitor and works to reduce stress which leads to an overall increase in body energy.


Ginseng works in several ways to enhance overall sexual health, it is a great blood circulation herb and strengthens blood flow to all areas of the body, it reduces stress, increases overall body energy and improves mood.

You can get all the above herbal libido enhancers and others in the best herbal sex pills for men and women and they will improve your overall wellness, as well as helping you enjoy better sex, try them and you will be glad you did.

Intercourse Advice - How to Make Any Woman Happy in the Bedroom!

You are probably wondering why you should listen to a guy about what a woman will want in the bedroom. Well, the short answer is that when it comes to intercourse advice there are few that have been where I have been. I have quite a bit of experience including many mistakes and finally discovering exactly how to make any woman I want happy in the bedroom. Here is a fool proof formula to intercourse success.

The first thing you must understand is that if you want women to be very happy with you because of what you do in the bedroom, then you have to know how to do the right things that lead up to the actual act of intercourse. You have to have her wanting you so bad that she just cannot stop until she has you. This is how they will be when it is over and they become hot and bothered once again.

With that said let's move on to the next step. You need to start by getting her ready all day long. If your plan is to sleep with a woman tonight, then start by teasing her throughout the day. Tell her in a dirty, yet tasteful way how sexy she is and how bad you want her body. You can do this by leaving a note in her car or purse or you can use the wonderful technology of text messaging. This will help get her in the mood early on.

Next, you have to stall and not allow her just to jump on top of you and rip your clothes off. This might be what you want and what she wants, but by stalling and taking her to dinner or to a movie you will show her that you appreciate her and it gives you more time to tease her.

Once you are actually with her you can give her a very long and sensual kiss that will continue to tease her. You can also do things like kiss her on her neck a couple times and tell her how sexy she is in her ear as you breath slowly on her neck. This will drive her wild.

Intercourse advice comes in many forms, but you need to understand that it is so much more about what leads up to the actual act than the intercourse advice that has to do with the actual act. Sure you want to make sure she gets every bit of the best climax you can give her, but it will be even better if you can build up the suspension.

Once you are in the bedroom and the clothing begins to come off make sure it happens very slowly and kiss her all over. Make sure to wait as long as you can before you ever touch her more private areas. This will drive her absolutely wild and she will be literally craving your body.

How to Give Your Partner Shocking Orgasms

have to say that only a small percentage of men in the entire World know how to fully sexually satisfy their partners. Most haphazardly stumble upon certain things that work; like a monkey with a banana machine, whilst the rest simply wish they had the know-how to topple a woman's expectations of what she is able to achieve orgasmically.

The Ultimate In Relaxation Positioning.

You can begin by having your partner laying on her back in semi-supine; this is when her knees are bent at a 90 degree angle at the knees (towards ceiling). Have her legs fall to the sides; you can even put pillows under her head and knees to increase her relaxation.

When she is fully sexually primed, this position is perfect for the blood flow, it also allows the hips to naturally open without holding on to any unnecessary tension. Not to mention, that sheer ease of access to her hotspots. This is a very powerful and basic position, do not underestimate it.

Where To Begin.

I normally begin by massaging her entire body - hands, arms, legs, bum, shoulders, chest/breasts, inner thighs and labia etc. This is very good for increasing blood flow to the right areas, which is very important if you want her to peak in her orgasms. When her body is ready she will be well lubricated, there will also be certain signals that she is ready e.g. her clitoris will slightly swell.

Now is the perfect time to begin stimulating her many hotspots both internally and externally. Concentrate on quality of motion, not speed and coverage. Try to be accurate with what you are doing, this is the key. When she begins to react by arching her body and groaning, you can try alternating with different forms of stimulation rather than the obvious places. I find that Blending orgasms is so much better than concentrating on just one form.

Secrets of Mind-Blowing Sexual Stimulation

Do you wish you had the knowledge of how to make your girl have the most powerful orgasms she has ever had, and will ever have? In this Article, I will give you some of the best advice that will arm you with some of the most sought after sexual stimulation techniques in the World Today!

1. Prime Yourself.

I would be confident in saying that most if not all that it of the best sexual experiences begin in the mind...if you mentally prime yourself and your partner you are on the road to some Seriously Explosive Orgasms. Don't rush in to the act, simply begin by creating the right atmosphere...then move to sensual foreplay.

Being in a state of complete arousal dramatically increases the sensitivity of the nerve endings within a body, for both you and your partner. In this state, quantity has no place -- only quality prevails. This is the key to the ultimate in sexual stimulation. Don't rush! Don't push! Be sensitive and attentive to your partner's needs; listen to your partner, calibrate yourself to your partner, only then will you open up the possibilities that sexual stimulation holds.

2. Atmospheric Conditions.

I mean your partner takes many forms. It cannot be rushed. The best way to begin is to create an environment which is completely suited to the sexual act i.e. dim lighting, soothing music, scented oils, romantic meal, warm atmosphere etc.

When you have created the right conditions; a fully immersive and relaxed environment, you can begin the physical planning process. This process involves sensual massage, foreplay, teasing, possibly role-play etc this gives her body and mind a chance to reach a state of complete arousal. This level of arousal will literally have her entire body tingling -- this is when she is ready, when her body and mind is released -- this is when she will experience the most powerfully mind numbing orgasms.

3. Lead By Example.

It's not all the news to say that's men have a habit of finishing first -- in fact we can be very selfish in that respect, this is why I suggest that's when you begin addressing your partner's needs sexually, you need to think about her experiences and not your own. Your time will come. In fact in my experience with my girlfriend has achieved the orgasm of her life, she is very willing to reciprocate

I know it is very hard to hold back your own urges, but just think of the great gift. Trust me, after she experiences the orgasm is that she is fully capable, she will literally be gagging to experience more as well as there is a possibility that it may increase her chances of becoming multi-orgasmic and orgasm sensitive.

There is only one way

When it comes to sex or sexual stimulation, there is only one way and it is the right way -- it's very difficult to backtrack on first impressions, specifically if it's a lover you've just met. Be the best lover you can. And this begins with you, as it always does. Best of luck.